Horsethief Canyon Ranch

South Corona Elevation 1410'

Official Spotter Station for the National Weather Service

snow covered mountains

Horsethief Canyon Calculators & Conversion Tools

Temperature Conversion

Fahrenheit (° F) to Celsius (° C) converter

Temp in ° C


Temp in ° K


Rain Conversion

Measure accurate rainfall using containers lying around the house.

Items needed are a larger round container and a smaller cylindrical container (clear)

  1. Measure the diameter of the larger container. Put the container out in the rain on a level surface. Move to step 2 when rain has completed.
  2. Measure the diameter of the small cylindrical container. It must be a cylinder, straight edges with a circular opening. The collected rain will be transferred here.
  3. Transfer water from larger container to smaller container. This may require several transfers. Record height of water transferred each time then add them all up when complete.
  4. Enter total height of water collected into smaller container using inches.

Build UTC to PST conversion table